I’ve been gone. Months now. Not mentally. Mentally, this blog, and what it has taught me, and is teaching me, has been pretty present in my mind. But I haven’t written.

I haven’t written, because I am going to be a father. And in deference to the mother of my children (yes – twins) I have kept that news off the interwebs until now. But it is true, it is happening, it’s past the point of danger and past the point of hiding ‘neath baggy clothes. I shall raise children of my own, due to arrive in early May. To the best of my ability I shall protect them and feed them and raise them to be gentle, loving, and most importantly HAPPY adults. I shall carry them on my shoulders and bounce them on my knee. I shall encourage them to push past doubt and the quotidian fears that prevent people from acting impulsively, and honestly. I shall show them the beauty of the stars and the clouds and seas and trees and art gallereees…

And by the God I give thanks to, I’ll raise them safe from childfuckers and girlkillers and all the goblins that I kill in my dreams. I don’t fear anything when it comes to my children, because they’ll come from me and from my magical, mythical lion-goddess of a wife. My children will be safe because we weren’t. My children will be safe because they are the children of dragon-slayers.

And dragons are secretly cowards.


NOTE: This is the last post I wrote to this blog. I will/should/may write more, but my son and daughter arrived on May 10, 2013, and they’re beautiful, and they’re happy, and they are an ever-unfolding world to me.

If you’re new here, you’ll be best served if you scroll all the way down and start at the very beginning. That way, some of this shit will make sense to you. Spoiler: it’s about child abuse, and the guy ends up having twins.

It amazes me that, several years later, more and more people are still reading this thing. I know from numerous people who have contacted me that it means something to them. I’m so grateful.

Change one life, change the world.